Wash windows thoroughly with a mild soap and water solution, diluted vinegar, or a commercial cleanser. Spray the window and wipe it clean using a squeegee with a rubber blade, wiped dry between each pass.
To avoid streaks, always work from the top down. Also, ensure a clean, lint-free towel is nearby to wipe the frame and sills. Contact Window Cleaning Sarasota now!

A window screen isn’t just a nice view; it helps keep pollen, dirt, dust, and insects out of your home. It can also help extend the life of your windows, so cleaning them regularly is a good idea.
Many residential window screens are removable, making them easy to wash by hand or with a pressure washer. If you decide to use a pressure washer, try using the nozzle attachment with multiple settings so you don’t ruin your screens.
First, vacuum the screens to remove loose dirt and debris. Then, lay the screens down on towels to protect them from scratching or developing grass stains. If your screens aren’t removable, you can try spraying them with a hose on a low setting. Make sure you lean the screen against a wall or other secure surface so it doesn’t fall over and get damaged by the hose.
When you’re ready to clean the screens, mix a solution of 1 cup of dish soap per gallon of water in a bucket or large bowl. Dip a microfiber cloth in the soapy water and begin washing both sides of the screens, and any tabs or edges. Scrub as needed, making sure to get in all the nooks and crannies.
Once you’ve scrubbed the screens enough, rinse them with clean water to remove all the suds and grime. Depending on where you live, this may be as simple as using your garden hose on a low-pressure setting or running the screens under the shower.
When your screens are dry, it’s time to reinstall them. Before you do, run a lint roller over them to remove any remaining debris and give the screens a final wipe with a damp cloth. Then, enjoy your newly cleaned windows! They’ll look like new and be able to let in cool breezes without the pesky bugs and dust. This will help keep your home healthy and comfortable all year round! Keeping the windows open for fresh air also helps reduce indoor allergies, such as sneezes and coughs. Regularly cleaning your windows and removing their screens will also help extend the lifespan of the frames and glass.
If the frame has glazing that is real glass, then it can be cleaned using regular window cleaning sprays and paper towels. However, if the frame has acrylic or Plexiglass glazing, then the cleaner should be used sparingly and gently so that the plastic does not become discolored or cloudy. If the glazing has hard residues such as tree sap or adhesive from a previous label, then a soft brush and a mild abrasive may be necessary.
To clean acrylic frames, use a lint-free microfiber cloth rather than paper towels. The microfiber will trap the dust and dirt without scratching the acrylic. Spritz the cleaning solution directly onto the cloth instead of squirting it on the frame to avoid getting it wet.
Start at the top of the frame and work in a zig-zag pattern down to the bottom. Once you have finished, wipe off any excess cleaning solution residue with a dry rag or microfiber cloth. This is also a good time to clean any other dirt or dust on the frame, such as little insect marks and grubby finger prints.
Curtains and blinds must be cleaned just as carefully as windows. If they are not, the dust and dander from the curtains or blinds can make its way to the windows and cause streaking. Also, if there is any moisture on the curtains or blinds, it can cause mold or fungus.
If you have a metal track or pole for your blinds, make sure to wipe it down as well. This will help to prevent rust.
If you do not have a squeegee, then it is a good idea to invest in one. It is not only quicker and more effective, but it can save you a lot of time and effort in the long run. A good size to buy is a 12 to 14 inch squeegee. Use a new rubber blade each time you wash your windows to avoid streaking. A razor blade can also be useful to remove any paint overspray or gunk that might be stuck to the glass.
A clean window lets light filter into a home, brightening up interior spaces and giving the home an overall better appearance. It is important to clean the glass of your windows as well as the frames in order to achieve the best results. Cleaning the windows regularly will keep them looking bright and help prevent future buildup of grime and cloudiness.
Using the right equipment will make this task much easier, especially when it comes to removing stubborn streaks. Instead of newspaper or paper towels that can cause scratch marks, use a microfiber cloth or sponge to wipe the glass surface. This will lift dirt and residues, leaving a smooth surface free of streaks and lint.
A squeegee is also a must-have tool for achieving flawlessly clean windows. This tool consists of a handle that holds a flat rubber blade. It is used to sluice off water and cleaning solution from the windows, leaving the glass clear and dry. A squeegee is particularly helpful in cleaning exterior windows, where hardened mineral deposits can be difficult to remove.
Choosing the right cleaning solution is also important for keeping your windows clean. There are a variety of commercial glass cleaners available, but a simple mixture of distilled white vinegar and water can be just as effective for removing mineral deposits and breaking down grime. It is recommended to apply the cleaner in small sections and to dry each section with a lint-free cloth or towel.
Another common way to eliminate streaks is to dust the windows and frames before you dampen your cloth or cleaner. This will ensure that all the loose dirt and debris is removed before you start wiping the surface. This will also reduce the amount of cleaner that is needed, which will cut down on the cost and environmental impact of the cleaning process.
Depending on your home’s layout, you may need to use a ladder to reach higher areas like skylights or tall windows. It is essential to follow proper ladder safety to avoid injury. Having a partner to spot you while you are working on a ladder can also be helpful in preventing accidents.
Your window sills are not just where dust and grime collect, but are also a common place for spores to grow. If left unattended, spores can eventually cause mold and mildew. Keeping up with cleaning the sills and their surrounding surfaces can help prevent this, as well as improve your home’s overall appearance and contribute to a healthier indoor environment.
The easiest way to clean sills is by using a rag and warm, soapy water to wipe down the surface. If there are any stubborn stains, use a soft brush or sponge to scrub them away. Rinse the rag and sill thoroughly with clean water to remove any remaining soap or dirt. Dry the area with a microfiber cloth to avoid moisture build-up and staining.
If your windows are vinyl, you can use the same cleaning solution that you would use on the glass to clean the sills. For tougher stains, or for hard-to-reach areas, you can also make an improvised cleaner by mixing equal parts of water and vinegar. The gently acidic vinegar helps to loosen stains, making them easier to wipe away. You can even use an old toothbrush to get into tight corners and other difficult-to-reach areas.
For brick window sills, a different approach is needed to keep them clean and sanitary. Dirt and dust are easily brushed away with a wire brush or vacuum attachment, but washing them may require more effort. A diluted vinegar solution (3 parts warm water to 1 part distilled white vinegar) can be used on brick surfaces to safely and effectively clean them, while also helping to prevent mold growth. Rinse the solution with clean water, and then rinse and dry the sill to ensure there is no excess moisture that can lead to mold.
For wood window sills, a melamine sponge such as the Magic Eraser can be effective for removing water stains or other stubborn marks from the surface of the window sill. Simply wet the sponge, squeeze out any excess water, and then use it to gently scrub away the mark. Make sure you rinse the sponge thoroughly after each use and dry it with a microfiber cloth to avoid attracting dirt back to the cleaned area.